PICCHI COMAR, L.; FRANÇA RIBEIRO GOBBO, S.; CARRAZZONE CAL ALONSO, M. B.; KOHARU MOTOOKA KAWAMOTO, K.; BORTOLI TEIXEIRA, D.; SILVA , M. C.; ALVES DA SILVA, R. H. The dental age estimation by Demirjian, Willems and AlQahtani methods in a Brazilian population: Age estimation by dental methods. Brazilian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil, v. 23, n. 2, 2024. DOI: 10.12957/bjhbs.2024.88695. Disponível em: https://bjhbs.hupe.uerj.br/bjhbs/article/view/169. Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.