Vol. 21 No. 2 (2022)
Original Articles

Hypovitaminosis D in patients after bariatric surgery by Y-Roux and sleeve

Published 2023-01-03


  • Obesity,
  • Bariatric surgery,
  • Gastric bypass,
  • Vertical gastrectomy

How to Cite

de O. Lopes AC, da R. P. Mulder A, F. Lima C, L. Miranda G. Hypovitaminosis D in patients after bariatric surgery by Y-Roux and sleeve. BJHBS [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 11];21(2):121-9. Available from: https://bjhbs.hupe.uerj.br/bjhbs/article/view/15


Introduction: Obesity is a multifactorial chronic disease, resulting from complex interactions between genetic, psychological, environments, lifestyles and emotional facts. Bariatric surgery is the most effective tool in the control and treatment of severe obesity. However, individuals submitted to this surgery may present malabsorption, some degrees of protein-energy malnutrition and hypovitaminoses. Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in bariatric patients submitted to BPGYR and to the Sleeve using conventional multivitamins (group with supplementation) or without supplementation. Metodology: A cross-sectional, retrospective analysis of the medical records of female and male patients submitted to BPGYR and Sleeve in the late postoperative period. Data regarding the time after surgery, pre- and post-surgery weight, percentage loss of excess weight and serumlevels of vitamin D, PTH and calcium were analyzed. A total of 93 patients were analyzed, with a mean age of 41.4±7.1 in the SS group and 43.7±10.4 in the CS group. The mean time after bariatric surgery was 52.4±46.4 months in the SS and 46.2±37.1 in the CS, with no difference between groups. Results: Sugery was effective in the weight loss of the patients studied (SS-70.3%±22.6; CS-79.3%±26.8; p=0.19); however, hypovitaminosis D was found (SS-26.4±10.0, CS-24.9±10, p=0.91) even in the group receiving conventional multivitamin supplementation. Conclusion: BPGYR and Sleeve are effective procedures in weight loss; these patients, however, are deficient in vitamin D. Supplementation with multivitamins is not sufficient to avoid hypovitaminosis, so vitamin D supplementation is required.


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