The dental age estimation by Demirjian, Willems and AlQahtani methods in a Brazilian population: Age estimation by dental methods
Published 2024-12-20
- Age Determination by Teeth; Forensic Dentistry; Radiography; Panoramic
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Introduction: Dental age estimation methods are highly reliable, being its application of great importance in the forensic scope, however, controversies remain regarding the accuracy and applicability of the protocols in specific populations. Objective: Evaluate the accuracy and applicability of the dental age estimation methods recommended by Demirjian, Willems and AlQhatani. Methodology: Two calibrated examiners analyzed 330 panoramic radiographs of a both sexes Brazilian population aged 6 to 16 years (n = 30), according to each method. The values of the estimated ages were compared with the chronological age (Wilcoxon's test: Demirjian and Willems; Pearson's Chi-square test: AlQahtani; p<0.05). Results: For the Demirjian method, the estimated age showed no difference in relation to the chronological age for the 9- and 15-years groups (p = 0.758 and p = 0.510, respectively), with an overestimate rate up to 1.1 years and influence of sex. The Willems method did not show differences for the groups 11- to 15-years (p= 0.5302, p= 0.3622, p= 0.9224, p= 0.9426 and p= 0.1024, respectively), regardless of the sex, with an overestimate rate up to 0.8 years. For the AlQahtani method, the highest accuracy rates were found for the 6- and 7- years groups (50% and 57%, respectively), with an overestimate rate up to 0.6 years, without influence of the sex. Conclusions: The three dental age estimation methods showed to be applicable, presenting a great relation between estimated age and chronological age. The Willems method indicated to be the most accurate to estimate dental age in this specific population.
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