Vol. 23 No. 2 (2024)
Original Articles

Teeth arrangements for denture esthetics: Perceptions of dentulous and edentulous individuals

Romulo R. Regis
Federal University of Ceara

Published 2024-12-20


  • Artificial tooth,
  • Complete denture,
  • Edentulous mouth,
  • Dental esthetics,
  • Patient preference

How to Cite

Rocha Regis R, de Moraes G, Barreto J, Rocha JE, Negreiros W, Moreira RK. Teeth arrangements for denture esthetics: Perceptions of dentulous and edentulous individuals. BJHBS [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];23(2). Available from: https://bjhbs.hupe.uerj.br/bjhbs/article/view/170


Considering that diverse opinions on aesthetic outcomes can emerge among dentists, patients, and observers during the rehabilitation of edentulous patients, this study compared aesthetic perceptions and preferences concerning various anterior teeth arrangements for complete dentures within both dentulous and edentulous individuals. Two edentulous individuals were selected, and four maxillary anterior teeth arrangements ("Classic", "Supernormal", "Senile", "Youthful") were proposed. Photographs were evaluated by the patients, prosthodontists, dentistry predoctoral students, edentulous and dentulous laymen. For both patients, most respondents noticed differences among the arrangements, with no differences among groups (male patient, P=0.353; female patient, P=0.387). Considering all respondentes, the "Youthful" and “Classic” arrangements were considered as most attractive (33/48%), natural (34/51%), least artificial (34/50%), and the preferred smile (34/56%) for the male and female patients, respectively. Within each rater group, the "Classic" arrangement was rated as the least artificial (P=0.03) for the famale patient. The "Senile" and "Youthful" arrangements were favored for the male patient, who preferred the “Senile”. For the female patient, the "Classic" and "Supernormal" were favored, who chose the “Supernormal” smile. The results highlight that esthetic perceptions and preferences can differ among dentulous and edentulous laymen, dental professionals, and patients. Additionally, the same observer may have different opinions regarding tooth arrangements for different patients. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the patient's opinion when determining aesthetic standards for a smile, and professionals should refrain from imposing their aesthetic preferences onto patients.


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