Education on blood donation and transfusion from the perspective of a state university extension project
Published 2023-07-17
- Transfusion Medicine,
- Medical Education,
- Hemotherapy Service,
- Teaching
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Introduction: The extension project “Permanent education on transfusion therapy: promoting better care from donor to recipient” is aims to impact the learning process on safe blood donation and transfusion through education, social and cultural influences on students and health professionals, as well as on the community. Objective: To promote educational activities and tools related to safe blood donation and transfusion. Methodology: Dissemination of information about blood donation and transfusion topics through social media, educational activities, including other extension projects, and conversation circles were planned. Indicators, such as the number of posts on social media, number of people reached, and events held from March 2021 to August 2022, were considered for quantitative analysis. Results: Thirty-six posts on the project’s Instagram feed reached 270 people. Two events were registered at the University Extension Department and were executed. A conversation circle about blood donation in the context of the LGBTQIA+ community attracted 19 participants and a multidisciplinary team. One action for the “World Blood Donor Day”, contributed to a 54% increase in the number of candidates for donation to the blood bank at Pedro Ernesto University Hospital, compared to the previous year. There was a discussion on refusal to receive transfusion based on the book “The Children Act”, by Ian McEwan, involving another extension project called “Canga Literária”. Conclusion: The extension projects play an important role in education and allowed the inclusion of content that is not part of the medical syllabus, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge.
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