April: World Autism Awareness Month


The month of April begins with World Autism Awareness Day, the 2nd. Therefore, in Brazil, it is known as Blue April.

According to the United Nations (UN), the date has been celebrated worldwide since 2007 and became recognized in Brazil in 2018, with Federal Law nº13,652/2018. This day aims to widely disseminate information to the general population, reducing prejudice, in addition to expanding the fight for the rights of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

The UN gives us some information about Autism:

  1. Autism constitutes a diverse group of conditions related to brain development.
  2. About 1 in 100 children has autism.
  3. Traits can be detected in early childhood, but autism is often not diagnosed until much later.
  4. The abilities and needs of autistic people vary and can evolve over time. Although some people with autism can live independently, others require lifelong care and support.

The Neurology book of The Série de Rotinas HUPE has the Protocol entitled “Genetics applied to neurological diseases”, which brings together comparative studies on autism and other neurological diseases of genetic origin.

Download the book for free on the EdUERJ website.
