Published 2021-01-04
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Introduction: Basilar dolicoectasis is an uncommon change, which makes the vessel tortuous and dilated, which can lead to ischemic, hemorrhagic or compressive changes. Objective: The present study is case report of a patient with basilar artery dolicoectasis and otorhinolaryngological symptoms. Clinical Case: Patient, 53 years old, male, smoker, hypertensive, atrial fibrillation and gout, who after hospitalization due to stroke suffered a complaint of hearing loss, facial paralysis and diz-ziness. During hospitalization, he was diagnosed with basilar artery dolichoectasia. Conclusion: Basilar artery dolichoectasia is rare, the otorhinolaryngologist should be aware of vascular causes when evaluating a patient with otoneurological symp-toms. The treatment of basilar artery dolichoectasis remains controversial.
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